Desi Chicken Price in Pakistan 2024 – Latest chicken prices

Desi chicken price in Pakistan – Latest Desi Chicken price 2023

In 2024, the price of Desi chicken in Pakistan has become a hot topic of discussion. The current Desi chicken price in Pakistan is 1000kg per alive while 1500rs per kg for the meat.

The price of Desi chicken is nearly touching the price of goat meat. Goat meat is considered as the most expensive meat in Pakistan. The demand for Desi chicken is constant, while production is decreasing day by day.

Desi chicken, known for its distinctive taste and healthier attributes, has been a staple in Pakistani cuisine for generations. However, the year 2024 has witnessed a significant shift in its price dynamics, leaving many concerned about its affordability and availability.

In this article, we will delve into the factors affecting the price of Desi chicken, compare it with previous years, and explore the challenges faced by both consumers and farmers.

Desi chicken price in Pakistan – Latest Desi Chicken price 2023
Desi Chicken Price in Pakistan 2024

Desi Chicken Price in Pakistan Comparison with Previous Years

It’s essential to compare them with previous years. In 2022, the average price of Desi chicken was approximately 900 Pakistani Rupees (PKR) per kilogram alive. However, in 2024, this price has surged to 1000 PKR per kilogram, representing a 10% increase. This rise in price has left consumers wondering about the reasons behind the hike.

Factors Affecting Desi Chicken Prices

Shortage of Desi Chicken

One of the primary factors contributing to the increase in Desi chicken prices in Pakistan is the shortage of these birds. Desi chickens are primarily raised in rural areas by villagers and small-scale farmers. Due to various factors, such as increased demand, disease outbreaks, and supply chain disruptions, there has been a significant decrease in the number of Desi chickens available in the market. As a result, consumers are facing higher prices due to limited supply.

Rising Cost of Production

The cost of raising Desi chickens has also increased in recent years. Factors such as rising feed prices, inflation, and increased labor costs have made it more expensive for farmers to maintain and care for their Desi chicken flocks. These increased production costs are often passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

Seasonal Variations

Desi chicken prices in Pakistan can also vary seasonally. During festivals and special occasions, the demand for Desi chicken surges, leading to price spikes. For example, during Eid-ul-Adha, the demand for sacrificial animals, including Desi chickens, increases significantly, causing a temporary price hike.

Desi Chicken vs. Broiler Chicken price comparison

To gain a better perspective on the affordability of Desi chicken in 2024, let’s compare its price to that of broiler chicken, which is a commonly consumed alternative.

Type of ChickenPrice per Kilogram (PKR)
Desi Chicken1000 PKR
Broiler Chicken540 PKR

Desi chicken is currently priced at 1000 PKR per kilogram alive, while broiler chicken, a commercial variety, is available at a comparatively lower price of 540 PKR per kilogram alive. This price difference highlights the challenge of affordability for Desi chicken, especially for budget-conscious consumers.

Challenges Faced by Farmers

The surge in Desi chicken prices may seem advantageous to farmers, but it comes with its own set of challenges:

  1. Maintaining Quality: Farmers must ensure that the quality and health of their Desi chickens are maintained to meet consumer expectations, given the higher price.
  2.  Supply Chain Issues: Getting Desi chickens to urban markets can be challenging due to inadequate infrastructure and transportation facilities in rural areas.
  3.  Disease Management: Farmers must invest in disease prevention and management to safeguard their flocks, which can add to their production costs.

In 2023, the price of Desi chicken in Pakistan reached 1000 PKR per kilogram, primarily due to factors such as a shortage of Desi chickens, rising production costs, and seasonal fluctuations. This price increase has led to a price gap between Desi chicken and broiler chicken, making it a less affordable option for some consumers.

There is a need for increased support and infrastructure development in rural areas to boost Desi chicken production. Additionally, consumers should consider the quality and health benefits of Desi chicken when deciding whether to purchase them at the current higher prices.

In the coming years, both farmers and consumers need to work together to ensure the sustainability and availability of Desi chicken in Pakistan’s culinary landscape. Only through collective efforts can we preserve this cherished tradition while keeping Desi chicken prices reasonable for all.

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