Why Desi Eggs are Expensive as Compared to Regular Eggs

Why Desi Eggs are Expensive as Compared to Regular Eggs

Eggs are a dietary staple enjoyed across the globe in various forms. However, when it comes to choosing eggs, there are distinct options, such as Desi eggs and regular eggs. While both types offer a rich source of protein and nutrients, there’s a noticeable price gap between them. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the cost disparity, focusing on Desi eggs, with all prices provided in PKR.

Why Desi Eggs are Expensive as Compared to Regular Eggs
Why Desi Eggs are Expensive as Compared to Regular Eggs

Understanding the Basics

Desi Eggs: The Cultural Choice

Desi eggs are typically sourced from local, indigenous breeds of chickens. These chickens are raised under natural conditions, with diets that include grains, greens, insects, and minimal commercial feed. The result is eggs that are often considered more natural and organic.

Regular Eggs: The Commercial Alternative

On the other hand, regular eggs usually come from commercial, high-production farms. These farms employ controlled environments, high-yield chicken breeds, and a diet primarily consisting of commercial feed. The aim is to maximize egg production and meet high market demand.

The Price Gap

Why Desi Eggs Command a Higher Price

Several factors contribute to the higher cost of Desi eggs compared to regular eggs:

  1. Feeding and Rearing

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Desi hens are typically raised on a more diverse and nutrient-rich diet. They forage for insects and eat natural vegetation, resulting in eggs that are perceived as more nutritious. This kind of feeding requires space and time, which adds to the cost of Desi egg production.

Commercial Feed

Regular egg production relies heavily on commercial feed, which is formulated for maximum egg production. While this approach is efficient, it doesn’t provide the same diversity of nutrients found in the diet of Desi chickens.

  1. Space and Housing

Free-Range Living

Desi hens are often raised in a free-range or semi-free-range environment, allowing them space to move and forage. This kind of housing requires more land and resources, contributing to higher costs.

Confined Spaces

Commercial egg-laying chickens are typically raised in more confined spaces to optimize egg production. This approach is space-efficient but can be seen as less humane and may not align with the principles of organic and natural egg production.

  1. Production Rate

Lower Production

Desi hens usually produce fewer eggs compared to high-yield commercial breeds. While they may lay fewer eggs, the quality and nutritional content of Desi eggs are often considered superior.

High Production

Regular egg farms focus on maximizing production. High-yield chicken breeds lay eggs more frequently, meeting the demand of the mass market.

  1. Cultural and Environmental Factors

Local Demand

In many cultures, Desi eggs are favored for their taste and perceived health benefits. As a result, there is a consistent demand for these eggs.

Commercial Appeal

Regular eggs are designed to appeal to a broader commercial market. They may not carry the same cultural significance as Desi eggs but cater to a larger customer base.

  1. Certification and Labeling

Organic and Desi Certification

Desi eggs are often labeled as organic or Desi, indicating their natural and traditional production methods. Certification processes and adherence to organic standards can increase the cost of production.

Conventional Labeling

Regular eggs usually do not carry the same organic or Desi labeling, as they follow conventional commercial production methods.


The price disparity between Desi eggs and regular eggs can be attributed to various factors, including differences in feeding and rearing methods, space and housing requirements, production rates, cultural preferences, and labeling and certification processes.

While Desi eggs may be more expensive, they are favored for their perceived nutritional benefits and adherence to traditional, organic practices. Regular eggs, on the other hand, cater to a larger commercial market and prioritize high production rates. Ultimately, the choice between these two types of eggs depends on personal preferences, dietary considerations, and cultural significance.

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